Friday, January 29, 2010

New Stomping Grounds

There are four stages of culture shock: honeymoon, crises, acceptance, and adjustment.

Right now, I’m in the honeymoon phase. But rather than tell you about the delights of Firenze, I’ll just show them to you instead. Enjoy the picture tour!

This next picture is indisputably something Sarah can appreciate.


  1. Ooh! Did you see the rape statue? That one was ma fav ;)

  2. Gorgeous, darling. Just like you. *misses*

  3. Hey! i recognize a few of those from my art history classes!!! so jealoussss!!!!!! please go see the Uffizi Gallery and take LOTS AND LOTS OF PICTURES. please go see Primavera by Botticelli! its amazing! it was originally part of a bed/couch it hung above the person lying in if you don't get funny stares or kicked out of the place you should lie down on the ground beneath it. lol.

    where was it that you were taking the pictures of the statues? I've just started reading about your travels since i have a snow day today (which is actually more annoying than exciting to be honest with you) and so i have some free time on my hands! I can't wait to read more about your adventures!!!!
