Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Beginning

I am an English majour. I am going to Italy. I speak no Italian whatsoever.

How did this happen you ask? Why did you ever think this was a good idea you ask? Well, I wanted to go to South America, but I knew no Spanish which was a requirement for the program (though, strangely, it is not a requirement for my program). Then I wanted to go to Australia, but the February departure date meant an extra month of Buffalo winter, and missing Buffalo winter was the whole reason I was leaving in the spring anyway. So after that I figured Africa was a good choice. I always loved the savannah. But then, I realized any school I went to in Africa would probably not be rubbing shoulders with any lion prides.

So I started to look into Italy, and settled on if for the following reasons.

A. In March, it will be consistently 60. It will still be snowing at this time in Buffalo.
B. I did not have to learn any Italian before leaving.
C. Food is so important to the Italians, it's importance is not up for discussion.
D. The Renaissance. Enough said.

After this, a nightmare of paperwork and a hailstorm of emotions ensured, and then, what do you know? I'm heading to Lorenzo de'Medici school in Florence, Italy on the 26th on January, and be returning halfway through May. I'm leaving my family, friends, both my jobs, and pretty much everything else familiar and normal for this. I should probably be terrifed, or at least apprehensive, but I'm not.

We'll see if that changes.


  1. Way to go my brave little cousin. Was in Florence for 24 hours once with my Hilary. Don't waste any time in checking out the Ufizzi gallery (spelled phonetically, no idea how to spell it, but an amazing place) the space itself is a work of art. Drop me your contact info as soon as you get here and I will drop you a line. Stay cool and good for you studying abroad, always regretted that I did not do that when I was in college. Later, Daniel

  2. Hey! I didn't know you guys went there. I'll be sure to give you a call when I hop across the big puddle next week :)

  3. I will miss my roommate horribly! I WILL CHECK YOUR BLOG EACH DAY
