Wednesday, March 17, 2010

And It's Not Even Good Beer

Dear Erin, why do you suck at updating your blog?

Well, that's a fair question. It's probably due to the 60+ degree weather, the midterms I'm supposed to be studying for, and the twenty bazillion e-tickets I have to print with no printer. But I swear, I've been thinking about updating. It's just I don't get any wireless internet in the Boboli Gardens (ie, the library) so my options are limited. I can't stand to be in my apartment for long periods of time. I find myself going to three grocery stores after my night class just to stay outside and avoid the textbooks waiting for me back in my room. I can't sit still. I'm here, then there, then back again. It's like the ADD I had as a kid (Mum and Dad, I totally had ADD. It all makes sense now!) all over again, but just like then I'm not going on Ritalin.

Part of this is probably due to 'midterms' which is just a fancy way of saying 'first round of finals'. The thought of taking an exam in any of my classes here is snort-worthy. My school doesn't even have a library, and for a girl who comes from a school with eight of them, how could they possibly expect me to take this seriously?

Also, how could we be expected to do midterm work in a school that only has two printers? When printing a paper becomes a saga that lasts you through the entirely of your triple shot cappuccino, you know that's a problem.

One of my professors sees eye-to-eye with me on this one. Our final in his class consisted of making a picture scrapbook and commenced with him suggesting places we ought to go to for Saint Patrick's Day.

Is this even a real school? I'm beginning to wonder. I learn, but then they go and sell beer in my school cafeteria for lunch.

That's Italy for you.


  1. they should sell beer in the Potsdam Actually they do sell alcoholic beverages at Dexters which is this fancy lunch type place that's meant for teachers but students can go there too, you just have to be 21 to buy the drinks :p

    i can't imagine having to study while you're over there. i'd never be able to concentrate! i'd probably be doing the same thing you're doing haha and they don't have libraries???

  2. We have over 13 libraries~
    also its been taking 20 minutes to print anything around here in lockwood, 40 in capen and not much better in blake. got ink for my printer so i wouldnt have to deal, lol. and iprint doesnt work with windows 7 - well iprint does but VPN doesnt
